3 Reasons Why Vietnamese Spring Rolls are the Best


Spring rolls are a common dish around the world. They originated in China and eventually spread across Asia as a popular snack. They come in different shapes, sizes and with distinct content. The kind of wrapper used and the manner in which the dish is cooked also vary widely in different countries. The technique of cooking spring rolls is usually associated with a region’s culture.

Spring rolls were originally consumed during spring. Hence, they were named as such. It was only a seasonal food because it was mainly filled with spring vegetables. In the past, eating dishes made from newly harvested ingredients was such a delight. In certain countries where winter lasts for several months, people were forced to eat only preserved foods.

Given the taste of spring rolls, they have become a hit in many countries. Vietnam is one of these countries. Although spring rolls were originally from China, Vietnamese spring rolls are simply irresistible. They are just as good, or even better. Here’s why.

  1. Vietnam is mostly an agricultural country

A huge part of Vietnam is used for agriculture. It is a huge country with just the right number of people. Hence, there is abundant space for farming. As a result, you can find some of the best vegetables in the region. The taste of fresh vegetables as they enter your mouth is totally refreshing.

  1. The dish is crispy on the outside, tender inside

There are different ways of cooking spring rolls. Vietnamese spring rolls are usually fried. Hence, the wrapper retains the right amount of crispness. As you bite into the content, everything is totally perfect. For spring rolls with meat inside, you can really feel the meat melting in your mouth.

  1. The taste is just right

Some spring rolls are too salty while others are too bland. There are other types that only taste good when you dip them in a sauce. For Vietnamese spring rolls, whether or not you have a tasty sauce, they will still taste great. Before you know it, you will have consumed a lot.

The good news is that you don’t have to travel all the way to Vietnam just to taste this dish. Even if you live in London, there are lots of places where you can find a Vietnamese restaurant London offers that has the best spring rolls. Some restaurants even have actual Vietnamese chefs. Others import their raw ingredients from Vietnam. Hence, you will feel like you are in Vietnam when you dine in these restaurants. Without a doubt, you will find yourself eating in your favorite restaurant again.

Image via freedigitalphotos.net (hinnamsaisuy)

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